Wednesday, March 26, 2008

untitled in process, 28x32 liquid acrylic and mixed media on wood, in process

Yet another in process painting, I need studio time! The last two posts are waiting patiently(?) in my studio for me to get in there and dig in.
Off to a real sketchbook opportunity today, hopefully I will come back with lots of drawings.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

out of the woodwork, liquid acryilic and mixed media on wood, 32x32

I am posting a painting that is in process, this is the first version that I took a photo of... I have a later version in the studio that I will post next week.
Busy day ahead, gotta go

Monday, March 17, 2008

random sketches from Mountain Stage

Since I have been doing a lot of sketchbook drawing recently, I thought I would post a few of my sketches that I drew while attending the Mountain Stage concert last week featuring Ani Defranco, Paul Kelly, Big Head Todd and others. It was an energizing experience. I love to draw in crowds. People are so interesting to watch. These are all very quick sketches 5-8 minutes per drawing approximate size 8x10".

Thursday, March 13, 2008

I am getting a backlog of images... which for some reason I am unable to post from home. Dial up internet can be so slow and I vowed to not spend more than a half hour trying to get this to work. I want to go out and play, instead of sitting in front of my computer screen.
Anyway when I go back to work in a few days I will have lots of new images. I am in silverpoint madness right now, having purchased a new silverpoint and holder from last week. I am loving it, finally had to quit last night when I started feeling seriously cross-eyed. I am missing my blog communicating, so today I will talk instead.
The greenhouse is starting to fill up, seedlings are growing and it has that delightful wet, warm earth smell that makes me swoon. Today I am going to continue cleaning brush and debris from the garden beds and rebed my worm bin. If the worms look as good as I expect they will I am planning on treating myself to a new bin to double my capacity. Worm's rule. I suppose I should put some time into my taxes... I'll set the timer for a half hour so I am not to overwhelmed with that task. Rambling on, since I don't see a place to post a photo, see you next week. love from here beth n

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I painted this in late december, I really like drawing on black gessoed wood panel, I am not feeling dark and lonely at all right now, but wanted to post this anyway.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Balancing act (pictured below) is in process also. I usually have several pieces in process at the same time. I will try to post a photo of my studio in the future to show what it looks like when there are paintings all over that are in various stages. Spring is really trying to happen here. I have lots of seedlings both in my greenhouse and under lights in my studio, along with a very fragrant gardenia and night blooming jasmine. I thrive when I am surrounded by growing and blooming plants. this is a lot of writing for me, just a bit of background into my working environment