Thursday, March 13, 2008

I am getting a backlog of images... which for some reason I am unable to post from home. Dial up internet can be so slow and I vowed to not spend more than a half hour trying to get this to work. I want to go out and play, instead of sitting in front of my computer screen.
Anyway when I go back to work in a few days I will have lots of new images. I am in silverpoint madness right now, having purchased a new silverpoint and holder from last week. I am loving it, finally had to quit last night when I started feeling seriously cross-eyed. I am missing my blog communicating, so today I will talk instead.
The greenhouse is starting to fill up, seedlings are growing and it has that delightful wet, warm earth smell that makes me swoon. Today I am going to continue cleaning brush and debris from the garden beds and rebed my worm bin. If the worms look as good as I expect they will I am planning on treating myself to a new bin to double my capacity. Worm's rule. I suppose I should put some time into my taxes... I'll set the timer for a half hour so I am not to overwhelmed with that task. Rambling on, since I don't see a place to post a photo, see you next week. love from here beth n


Tanya said...

Unfortunately, I find myself at work, sitting in front of the computer and longing to be outside. Don't have seeds going yet..thinking that gardening this summer is going to be on a small scale. Want some datura seeds?


Algar said...

It cannot have effect in actual fact, that is what I think.
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